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7 top tips for creating a wedding gift list

7 top tips for creating a wedding gift list

Alison Hargreaves GFB Wedding Gift Expert
Alison Hargreaves Updated:
8th of March 2023

Whether its managing all the phone calls to suppliers, endless emails about catering and chasing guests to RSVP, wedding planning can take its strain. Luckily, some of the 'wedmin' tasks are fun and exciting. Cake tasting, trying on dresses, and planning your hen party are predictably the more exciting tasks, but planning your wedding gift list can also be surprisingly fun!

So what’s the best way to create a gift list? After all, you want to make sure you get everything you want while keeping guests happy. Here, Prezola gives their top tips for the ultimate wedding gift list.

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1. Think about what you really want

It can be a little overwhelming trying to choose from over 50,000 products, so sit down with your partner and talk about what you’d like your guests to buy you. Make sure you’re both happy with the decision – try and avoid any sneaky additions that the other person doesn’t want.

2. Give your guests options

We recommend that you add one gift for every guest attending. So if you have 100 guests invited, that’s 100 gifts on your list! Even though some will be in couples and will buy one present, this ratio will give guests enough options to choose from.

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3. Consider guest budgets

Your Uncle Robert might want to spend more than your work colleague, while your parents will probably want to splurge on something big as a treat. Prezola allows for gifts with all budgets in mind so make sure you add something for everyone’s budget so they don’t feel any pressure to spend more than they can afford.

4. Think about the future

It’s completely fine to add the music system you’ve always wanted, along with that cute wall print for the bedroom. However, make sure you also added some gifts that will be used for years to come. A serving dish brought out at special meals, a vase to hold all future bouquets from special occasions or a photo frame to display your wedding photo – all of these heirloom gifts will be the first to be snapped up by guests too.

5. Treat yourself

Don’t worry too much about what you think you should add to your wedding registry. If you see something you love, add it on. If it reflects your style, guests will enjoy buying you something a little more personal. It’s not often you get a free shopping spree in life, so go for it and have some fun!

6. Group gifting

It's really easy to add gifts that go over the average gift budget by marking some items as Group Gifts. This allows a guest to contribute any amount to a larger ticket price item. Not only will your guests not blow their budget, but you'll also be able to request something you really want. So go on - add that sofa you've had your eye on and allow your friends to all chip in.

Sofa | Wedding Gift List | Guides for Brides

7. Don’t forget to say thank you

Guests have taken the time to consider the perfect gift to commemorate your wedding, so it’s only fair that you take the time to thank each guest for their generosity. It’ll mean a lot to your guests, especially if you are specific about the item you are thanking them for.

Find out more about Prezola wedding gift lists here. 

Looking to start your gift list soon?

Alison Hargreaves GFB Wedding Gift Expert

About the author

Alison Hargreaves

Alison founded Guides for Brides in 1995 and has been putting brides and businesses in touch ever since. If you are looking for advice on wedding gift lists and relevant suppliers, she is the best person to speak to.

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