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How to Pick The Perfect Engagement Ring (If Money Isn’t an Issue)

How to Pick The Perfect Engagement Ring (If Money Isn’t an Issue)

Cat Arnott
Cat Arnott Updated:
8th of March 2023

If you’re reading this article, then it’s probably because you’re getting ready to pick out the single most important piece of jewellery that you’re ever going to purchase in your life. You get this wrong, and you’ll never recover.

Scared? Don’t be, I’m just exaggerating. The really important thing here is that you’ve found someone who you are ready to settle down and share your life with.

Having said that, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to find the perfect ring. It’s a part of the tradition and if your partner can see that you’ve put a lot of thought and time into the purchase, they’ll know that you’re taking things seriously.

And also, if it’s this specific article that you’re reading for tips on this big purchase, then you are one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have to worry about how much it’s going to cost. So, you can focus on the finer details. Here are important things to remember: 

Get the Size Right

I’m just going to go ahead and assume that the intention is for this to be a surprise. If that’s not the case then great, you and your partner can just choose the ring together and they can get measured if they don’t know their size.

But if it is a surprise and you ask them about their ring size then they’re definitely going to know what’s going on! That doesn’t mean that you can't get the size right, there are ways around this if you think outside the box.

First and foremost would be to try and get your hands on one of their rings. Keep an eye on the jewellery they wear and try and spot which ones they like to wear on the ring finger of their left hand.

See if you can measure that one inconspicuously. If you can borrow it and take it to a jeweller that’d be even better, but if you can measure it yourself and take the measurements to a jeweller they’ll know how to use them to craft the ring.

If this doesn’t work for you, perhaps if your partner doesn’t wear rings, ask people close to them. Their mum or siblings might know, or one of their close friends. Even if they don’t, they could try and find out for you.

If they bring it up in conversation, or if they ask for help doing some ring shopping of their own, it won’t seem as suspicious. So plan yourself out a little heist and get the friends and parents in on it. 

It’s not the end of the world if you have to get it resized, but imagine the thrill if you did get it right the first time. 

Scope Out a Jeweller

Where you choose to buy the ring is a very important aspect of this, especially if you are looking at high-end jewellery. You may not find this in your local shopping centre.

And yes, there is also the option nowadays to buy a ring online and have it delivered. However, when shopping for high-end jewellery, you may wish to actually see the ring in person and have it in your hand to make sure it’s the one you want before you buy.

You need to find yourself a luxury, high-end jeweller. You should do some research on high-end engagement rings and then find out where there is a jeweller selling any of those near enough to your home.

This way you can gauge the type of selection that is offered by that particular jeweller and know if they’d be a wise one to buy from. Also, look up reviews online in regards to how quick and efficient they are and what dealing with them on a business level is actually like.

Hopefully, you don’t have to go too far out of your way to find a good jeweller, but even if it’s a few hours drive away then it will be worth it.

Remember the 4 Cs

This is where you are going to start getting personal. By this point in your relationship, you should know your partner pretty well and you should know what kind of taste they have (at least, I hope you do!)

This will make deciding on the design of the ring much easier. What kind of metal should you go for? Should you choose a simple, traditional style band or a more unique one?

And then perhaps most importantly, the diamond itself. For this, make sure that you are aware of the four Cs and how you can best use your knowledge of your partner to pick a personalised ring.


First of the four Cs is the cut. This isn’t so much to do with the shape as it is to do with quality. The way in which a diamond is cut will determine its brightness and scintillation and this is what you need to look out for when thinking of the perfect diamond cut.


Next we have the carat. What this refers to is the weight of the diamond. You can get as high as 24-carat and you need to look at as many different weights as you can and decide on the most appropriate one.

Of course, 24-carat will cost an awful lot, and though that might not be a problem for you, it might not be necessary if everything else about the diamond is already top quality. 


Then we’ve got clarity. The likelihood is that most diamonds will have some imperfections.

These are generally just really small white or black flecks. If there are none the diamond is known as ‘flawless’ any number of flecks is an ‘included’ diamond. The inclusions can add a bit of character and uniqueness to a diamond so don’t just go for a flawless one on impulse.


And finally we have colour. Diamond colour is ranked on a scale from D, which is colourless, to Z which is visibly yellowish. D diamonds are considered the best and are, as such, most expensive, but it all comes down to a matter of taste and pink or yellow coloured diamonds might suit your partner better than a very clear one. 

There is a lot that you need to think about here, but the process of picking an engagement ring can actually be really fun. It can be a stressful process, but remember, if you do get frustrated, remember that the ring itself is just a symbol of something much more important. 

Cat Arnott

About the author

Cat Arnott

With a Masters degree in History, Cat is the best person to consult if you need wedding facts and information fast. Her passion for weddings has led to her having a broad and up to date knowledge of trends and traditions and she is here to research on your behalf to find the answer to any wedding related problem.

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