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How To Keep Your Maiden Name Professionally

Nikita Thorne
Nikita Thorne Updated:
25th of March 2023

While 80% of brides today will uphold tradition and take their partner's name when they marry, around 10% are choosing to keep their maiden name for professional purposes. And that's not really surprising! With the average couple now getting married in their early-mid thirties, many women have spent over a decade building a reputation in their careers before they say "I Do" and would prefer to have the continuity in their professional network rather than disrupting it.

Changing to your married name in your personal life and keeping your maiden name in your professional life is a perfectly legal and valid choice when it comes to deciding on what you will be known as after marriage. So, we spoke to our partners at NameSwitch to find out everything you need to know about changing your surname in your personal life, but keeping your maiden name professionally.

Couple walking

What are the benefits of keeping your name for professional purposes?

Whether you have built up your reputation in your chosen career or have a vast client base that would prove overcomplicated to make a change, there are a number of benefits to having both a personal and professional persona. 

By keeping your maiden name professionally, you don't have to worry about confusing clients or your professional network about your name change. There are no awkward, incorrect introductions at networking events, no need to change business cards and you'll avoid the faff of informing all of your clients about the name change. You can keep the professional reputation you have built up without, again, causing confusion. Plus, anything you are credited to such as published works will not be distanced from you due to a name change.

Key considerations when choosing to keep your maiden name professionally

As with all decisions that affect your official documentation and life more generally, it is important to take the time to consider whether this path is best for you. It is always good to consider the longer-term outlook. Remember, it's not just about what you are currently feeling, this is a decision that will affect you long-term and it's important to consider how you may feel further down the line.

Here are some key questions that the team at NameSwitch advise you to ask yourself before making the decision to keep your maiden name professionally:

  • Consider your professional network, clients, colleagues and industry. Could they all adapt to know you by your married name? 
  • How important is your maiden name (or the professional brand you've built) to you and your line of work?
  • What do you feel about your new married name (vs your maiden name) and what influence does this have in your choices?
  • Do you think you will be able to live with two personas and will you be able to compartmentalise the two distinctive names personally and professionally?
Just married couple

Will I be able to fully embrace my married name if I keep my maiden professionally?

For many who choose to do this, it is the best of both worlds. You can be Ms "Maiden" in the office and Mrs "New" everywhere else. It is a very personal and symbolic way to honour both your life prior to marriage and your life as a married person.

If you are on the fence or worried you might change your mind further down the line, the advice from NameSwitch is to prepare for the full name change but initially only go ahead with the personal change. To do this, simply get all the forms you need to change your name fully and then put everything needed for a name change in your professional sphere in a safe place to be completed later (if needed). 

Remember, there is no time limit or official sequence in which to change your name, so if years down the line you decide that you want to change to your married name in all aspects of your life, you absolutely can!

Where do I change my name if I am keeping my maiden name professionally?

Essentially, any accounts or official bodies that purely relate to your professional life would need to retain your maiden name. These include but are not limited to:

  • Your employer
  • Companies House 
  • HMRC (the tax office)
  • Your pension/s
  • Work related benefits (ie health or life insurance, stock etc)
  • Company car registration / car insurance
  • Any official professional bodies you are a member of
  • The bank account your wages are paid into

In all other personal documentation and areas of your life, your name can be changed to your new married surname. 

Please note, it is important to ensure you change at least one form of formal ID (drivers licence, passport etc) into your new married name. 

Passport Observation Request

If you are choosing to change your passport to your married name, it is possible to make an observation request under section 8 of your passport renewal application form. This will make it clear that you are also known by another name. 

NameSwitch recommends you use the following statement under section 8 of the application:  'I am using my maiden name professionally: [Insert Miss/Dr Maiden Name]. Please keep an observation in my passport'.

Important: you will not be able to travel under your 'observed' name - this is simply for formal identification and not border control purposes.

Blue british passport

How should I tell my partner about my thoughts on keeping my maiden name professionally? 

You should discuss any potential name change options and preferences with your partner well in advance of your wedding day. This is a decision that affects both of you and is a decision that should be made together in a calm and uninterrupted way. It is always best to listen to both points of view and make sure you are both on the same page. 

Of course, as with any wedding-related decision, family members and friends will have opinions about your choice. But remember, this is your relationship and your life, so you need to be comfortable in your decision and with how you will be known in your life going forward.

Whatever your decision, let NameSwitch guide you.

NameSwitch have compiled a database of hundreds of companies and all of the information needed for each one when changing your name. Couples who use their name changing services have saved themselves hours of valuable time and been able to change their name with complete ease. All you need to do is visit their website, fill in your details, and tick the boxes of every company that you need to inform about your new married name. NameSwitch's clever system then automatically generates every single letter or form you need to send off with a set of personalised instructions. All you need to do is sign and send.

As a valued member of Guides for Brides you are entitled to £5 off any of their packages. Enter GFBFIVE at checkout to apply the discount.

So, take the time to make a decision that feels like a perfect fit for you and then let NameSwitch take care of the rest! 

Nikita Thorne

About the author

Nikita Thorne

Nikita is a wedding planning expert and bride-to-be. She is the host of Guides for Brides - The Wedding Podcast and regularly speaks at wedding industry conferences and national wedding shows to inform and inspire couples who are planning their big days. She keeps on top of the latest wedding trends in design and fashion and loves to see the latest, innovative ideas from wedding professionals across the country. If you need practical planning advice, Nikita is your best contact!

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