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How Much Should An Engagement Ring Cost?

How Much Should An Engagement Ring Cost?

Nikita Thorne
Nikita Thorne Updated:
8th of March 2023

You’ve no doubt heard the statements: "The size of the ring doesn't matter", "What it looks like isn’t the most important thing", "When an engagement ring is given out of love, it could even be made out of daisies."

But is this the case? Would flowers woven into a ring instead of a shining diamond really be enough for your chosen one? Isn't this just another thing people say because they don't want to look materialistic, vain, or selfish, but deep down, they want precisely that sparkling ring?

Ah, those marketing tricks

Today, many people already know that De Beers came up with the claim that an engagement ring should cost two to three times a monthly salary. Of course, those who make their money from selling jewellery have a big interest in convincing potential customers of similar "rules".

So you could just simply laugh it off as just another clever marketing move. But it's not that simple. At the start of any marketing craze, it really is just another slogan, another advertisement, another effort to convince customers that to be happy they really need something that they didn't even know about until then (another famous example of this is the global phenomenon that is now Coca Cola).

But over time, such slogans can become the norm. Even expectations associated with engagement rings have changed significantly due to adverts and Hollywood movies. And it would be best not to underestimate these.

The middle path

On the other hand, it is certainly not true that every woman longs for a giant diamond of at least one carat on her finger. An expensive ring also has its downsides and not just in the strain it puts on the buyer's wallet. They may be afraid to wear a ring which is worth many thousands, and as a result, it might bring them more worry than joy. A distinctive diamond can also be a little bit impractical, for example, if they work a lot with their hands or when doing jobs around the house.

The owner of the KLENOTA jewellery company, Jarmila Slívová, however warns about going with the other extreme and opting for a very cheap ring: "We are definitely not just interested in profit, and we do not try to force the most expensive ring onto every customer,” she says with a smile. “But over many years spent in this field, I have met many people disappointed with the ring that their partner chose for them. Most of the time, of course, they didn't tell them of their disappointment so as not to make them sad… If the main criteria are price, it will be reflected in the ring, and the quality and durability of it can also indicate this. So my advice is: rather than an extra cheap ring that screams of the fact that you wanted to save, better to get none at all. And if you decide to buy an engagement ring, I recommend a timeless classic - a simple gold ring with one diamond in a brilliant cut."

"It is very difficult to name a specific price, but I think that you wouldn’t need to be ashamed of a ring worth around £2000 - £3000. As for the price in the context of a monthly wage, I would say that 50 - 100% of the monthly salary is ideal. In any case, it should be an amount that the buyer perceives as high."

So is there a rule?

You probably know what we're going to say in conclusion. Exceptions confirm the rule and every tradition is simply just that - a tradition. It's always up to you. It is your engagement, your hand, your relationship, your life. You know each other best, what your wishes are and what is important to you.

The only problem, your partner may not disclose what they want in a ring. Hoping that you will know exactly what they would like. Of course, it's a difficult decision without knowing their exact preferences. So, if you are struggling with the choice and want the ring to be a surprise, go with a safe bet. The number of people who would be disappointed with an elegant diamond ring is very small.

Nikita Thorne

About the author

Nikita Thorne

Nikita is a wedding planning expert and bride-to-be. She is the host of Guides for Brides - The Wedding Podcast and regularly speaks at wedding industry conferences and national wedding shows to inform and inspire couples who are planning their big days. She keeps on top of the latest wedding trends in design and fashion and loves to see the latest, innovative ideas from wedding professionals across the country. If you need practical planning advice, Nikita is your best contact!

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