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How to Have a Covid Safe Wedding at Home

How to Have a Covid Safe Wedding at Home

Alison Hargreaves Guides for Brides Bio
Alison Hargreaves Updated:
8th of March 2023
The Government updated the ceremonies guidance for England on 12th April to confirm that, from Step 3 (in place from 17th May), wedding receptions can take place for up to 30 people outdoors, including in private gardens.

Latest Update - 12th July: Boris Johnson announces that Step 4 will proceed as planned for England and lockdown rules will end on the 19th of July. The tough border policy will remain in place, however, events such as weddings will be governed by guidance rather than laws.

Previous Update: PM Boris Johnson has announced that wedding restrictions will ease from June 21st, with maximum numbers no longer limited to 30, and instead determined by socially-distanced capacity. Read Weddings After Lockdown in 2021 for a summary of and the links to the available wedding guidance in each UK nation.

If you are hosting guests at home, you'll want to keep your guests as safe as possible. So, here's our advice on ensuring your wedding reception is as COVID-secure in your garden as it would be elsewhere.

Couple enjoying their garden wedding

Track and Trace / Covid Status Passports

To aid efforts of NHS Test and Trace, you'll need to ensure there is effective track and trace in place.

Ensure you have Track and Trace system set up. You may also want to implement a Covid Status Passport system.
Trusted Trace is the only software designed specifically for wedding venues.
Find out more here:
Or register to use Trusted Trace for your wedding here:
Trusted Trace

Plan your event like a professional

Those using a specialist marquee company, caterer or wedding planner will have professional on hand to be able to advise on appropriate health and safety arrangements.

If you are planning your own event we'd encourage you to look at these guidelines.

They were put together by the main marquee associations as a proposal to ensure COVID-secure weddings and demonstrate best practice. 

Couple entering wedding breakfast

Follow the recommended guidelines

The full government reception guidance has been updated for the changes from June 21st, and the ceremonies guidance confirms that "Receptions can also proceed with over 30 people in a COVID-19 Secure indoor venue, or outdoors. This includes private gardens."

Our thanks to all those that fought alongside us for the rights for the many couples planning a reception at home.

Alison Hargreaves Guides for Brides Bio

About the author

Alison Hargreaves

Alison has been advising brides, grooms and bridesmaids for more than 25 years. She has an unrivalled knowledge of the British wedding industry and frequently appears on podcasts and expert panels. She regularly attends international wedding conferences to keep the UK at the forefront of wedding planning trends.

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