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Why You Should Book Wedding Suppliers Now For 2021 Weddings

Why You Should Book Wedding Suppliers Now For 2021 Weddings

Alison Hargreaves Guides for Brides Bio
Alison Hargreaves Updated:
8th of March 2023

We know there are a huge number of couples waiting in the wings, ready to get married as soon as restrictions are lifted. Some of the estimated 200,000 weddings postponed from last year have moved to 2022, but most would prefer a 2021 date. If restrictions are fully lifted across the UK from June, not only will the industry be facing nearly twice the usual demand, but that demand will be crammed into the 2nd half of the season.

This article looks at:

Groom with buttonhole flowers

When do couples usually book their suppliers?

Most suppliers expect their order books to be fairly full, with all popular dates booked, by the end of March. From early April they focus on looking after their existing couples, rather than putting time aside for new appointments. Local and national wedding fairs rarely take place between early April and September. 

Is it a problem to wait?

It depends on whether you mind who you use for your wedding. You’ll almost certainly be able to find a dress that fits you well enough, a photographer who can take reasonable photos. Your wedding won’t be without flowers and a wedding cake. But given the choice, would you prefer to have the best suppliers at your wedding, for the same price or less? The later that you leave it to book, the less choice you will have. As demand inevitably increases, so will prices.

Bride with wedding bouquet

Remove the roadblocks so you can book now

First, identify why you’ve not been able to book different suppliers and then see if there is a way to remove that roadblock. We’ve looked at the most common issues:

You haven’t yet confirmed your date or venue

Until you can arrange a venue showaround you can’t confirm your date or your venue. Some suppliers can be completely flexible on dates and venues but have a maximum number of weddings that they can take on in a season. Dress makers, menswear tailors, stationery designers, gift lists, speech writers can all be booked with the first “likely” date in mind with their service easily transferred to a later date.

You can’t be confident in your date until your registrar confirms

This has been a frustrating roadblock for many, with some registration districts still not taking future bookings, but it is an easy one to overcome. Registrars are confident that they’ll be able to service demand, celebrants are ready to step in if they are unable to and your legal ceremony can take place on a different day.

Wedding cake with floral embellishments

You are concerned you may have to postpone

Until you have complete confidence in your wedding going ahead on the date planned, it’s tempting to minimise the number of suppliers you’ll have to move. It’s easier to move existing suppliers than to compete with others to secure a new booking once we have more clarity. Check if the supplier offers free postponement before booking (you can identify those on Guides for Brides who offer this as they'll show our Book with Confidence badge). Discuss their policy in case you postpone to a date they aren’t available for; some are finding ways to ensure you don’t lose out financially if they have enough notice. 

You are concerned you won’t be allowed to use their service

Until we have full guidance, you won’t know if you should book suppliers such as photobooths, discos and live bands. Speak to the supplier; if they don’t yet know if they will be allowed to work they have nothing to lose by taking on a provisional booking.  

You want to meet them in person

Arrange a WhatsApp video or Zoom appointment to meet them virtually; you can see almost as much by video as you can in person, plus you may get to see a little more behind the scenes and chat to the supplier. Some suppliers will allow you to provisionally book following a video appointment, with the deposit refundable if you aren’t completely happy with your choice once you can meet them in person.

Zoom call with wedding suppliers

Which suppliers should be your priority?

Different types of suppliers will be under pressure this summer for different reasons. 

  • They need to be there on the day, and there are limited dates available this summer and autumn. This includes suppliers such as photographers and celebrants.
  • The majority of their work is in the 48 hours before the wedding, so they are limited by availability on those days. This includes florists and cake suppliers.
  • The service they supply isn’t date critical but is time consuming and there is a limit on their capacity. This includes service-based business such as stationery and dress makers
  • They have supply-chain limitations and need plenty of notice. Bridal boutiques, mens hirewear and even florists are facing new pressures as a result of Brexit that will compound their challenges.
  • They are reliant on skilled, casual labour. Businesses who have had to lay off staff over the past year, including caterers, mobile bars and marquee companies, will struggle to find sufficient skilled labour, limiting their capacity.
Couple entering wedding breakfast

On the Day Suppliers

Don’t underestimate the additional time photographers, videographers, caterers, celebrants and other “on the day” suppliers spend in pre and post wedding-day. It often exceeds the time spent on the actual day. During a busy peak season, even off peak days of the week will be a challenge to fit in an extra wedding if they are already booked up at weekends.

Wedding dress

Although some brides had already ordered their gown before Covid brought weddings to a standstill, boutiques reported a 50% drop in orders for 2020 so we know demand will be very high. Although some stores offer “off the peg” most gowns are made to order. Boutiques encourage brides to allow 5 months so if you haven’t yet ordered for this summer or autumn, book an appointment now to get the process started. 

Bride in wedding dress and wedding jewellery

Wedding Planners

The need for flexible plans and a helping hand when things don’t go to plan and extra help in checking contracts has meant a huge increase in the popularity of wedding planners. Your wedding planner will work closely with you so it is essential that you find someone you really get on with, with the experience to navigate the current challenges.  


There is a big demand for wedding celebrants this year, especially for weddings in England and Wales, where couples are keen to move their ceremony outdoors and want to know that they have full control of their ceremony and reception, even if their legal wedding needs to be on a different day.   

Wedding couple just married

How to get to the top of a supplier’s list

As demand increases, suppliers will follow venues in being selective in deciding which couples they should prioritise their time for.

To get to the top of their list:

  • Research them online so you know they are a good fit before contacting them.
  • Send an enquiry via a site like Guides for Brides so they know you have seen what they offer and read their reviews and you know they are a good match.
  • Ensure your enquiry is detailed, so they know what you are looking for.
  • Make it easy for them to contact you; leave a mobile number and email address.
  • Give as many details as possible in your initial email including the date and venue. 

Remember: If your email enquiry is just “can you send a brochure” the supplier will think you haven’t researched them at all.  

bride enjoying moment of individual photos

It’s fine to get several quotes and speak to several suppliers to know what all the options are. Most couples will speak to 2-3 before deciding on the best fit for their wedding, but wait until you are ready to book before asking for a quote.

Be decisive. Once you have made a decision, book and pay a deposit to confirm the booking immediately. Ask the supplier when you need to be in touch to confirm details and stick to any deadlines agreed to reduce their admin time.

Avoid haggling. Professional suppliers will be in great demand throughout 2021 and 2022. Asking them to lower their prices is asking them to compromise on their usual high standards. It’s not what anyone wants in a busy year.

Couple with close friends after wedding

Booking now, while reputable and experienced wedding professionals still have availability is one of the best ways to ensure a stress-free wedding day. 

We hope that you’ll find all you need on Guides for Brides  - the most comprehensive list of wedding suppliers in the UK - but if you need any additional help feel free to get in touch.

Alison Hargreaves Guides for Brides Bio

About the author

Alison Hargreaves

Alison has been advising brides, grooms and bridesmaids for more than 25 years. She has an unrivalled knowledge of the British wedding industry and frequently appears on podcasts and expert panels. She regularly attends international wedding conferences to keep the UK at the forefront of wedding planning trends.

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