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A Guide To Choosing Your Wedding Rings

Rory Lemmon
Rory Lemmon Updated:
25th of April 2023

Whilst your wedding day is a unique and special occasion, it is also the start of a new chapter. Nothing reflects this better than your rings. The symbolism of a wedding ring is that it, like the love you share with your new spouse, is unending. You’re going to be wearing these rings for the rest of your life, so you’ll want to make sure you find the right ones for you. David Roger Sharp is an LGBTQ+ friendly ring supplier, and he’s given us some top tips on how to choose the right ring.


To start with, it’s important to think about what kind of metal you want your rings to be made from. There are a lot of different ones to consider, from traditional precious metals such as Gold and Silver, to newer metals such as Titanium and Zirconium. Factors such as durability and price are important to consider, as well as look and feel. Different carats and finishes will offer different traits, so it’s always helpful to speak to a friendly jeweller.


The next thing to decide is what style of ring you want. There are simple and elegant band designs, or those which are more elaborate. This is all down to personal taste, although it’s always useful to get a second opinion - and it doesn’t hurt if your partner likes it! You and your partner may want to choose matching rings as a symbol of your union. Alternatively, you might wish to go for different designs which are more personal to you.


The final element to bear in mind is the stone. This decision will depend partially on the metal and style of the ring, however there are still plenty of options available to make the rings that bit more special. Diamonds are an ever-popular choice, however there are lots of options. Why not go for a birthstone, reflecting the month when you and your partner met or marking your anniversary?

David Roger Sharp Jewellers work alongside you to create beautiful bespoke Wedding Bands you’ll cherish for a lifetime. If you would like to learn more, please click here.

Rory Lemmon

About the author

Rory Lemmon

With a BA in Journalism from the University of Winchester, Rory is an experienced writer and researcher. Keeping on top of wedding trends and traditions, Rory ensures all the content on Guides for Brides and its sister sites are up to date and relevant for couples and businesses alike.

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