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PPC Tips - The "I Do's" And Don'ts For Your Wedding Venue PPC

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Georgie Hall (Guest) Updated:
17th of January 2023

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could instantly get your ad in front of the right person at the right time, casting a net to catch people that are already demonstrating an interest in wedding venues? Well, with PPC you can. Better yet, you have control over the times your ads show, the locations and even the demographics that are targeted. Sounds good, doesn’t it? 

Having this amount of control means that you can optimise down to the penny, making sure your money goes even further. Not only that, but it also achieves faster results than most other methods of marketing. 

But, the most important thing to consider…. You need to get it right

The wedding industry is booming with an estimated 275,000 weddings a year in the UK. No matter what your goals for PPC are, whether you're new to the strategy or you’re ready to supercharge your performance, we have some top tips that will ensure your diaries are full for the next 12 months. 

Tips to hit the jackpot with your PPC

1. Get your USPs into your ads

What makes your wedding venue stand out from the crowd? Is your venue the only one in the area that allows furry friends to be by the couple’s side on their special day? Or does your venue have the most Instagram-able grounds? This is your opportunity to brag about the things that make your venue better than your competitors. First impressions are everything

 Take it one step further…  

Everyone gets FOMO sometimes. Take advantage of this within your ads by putting limitations in the ad copy such as “limited spaces left for 2023” or a countdown for a discount. 

2. Make ad groups for specific services

We’ve seen countless campaigns that are full of wedding-related keywords but only have generic ads that appeal to the masses. 

Drill down on different aspects of your venue that people will be searching for and capitalise on these e.g. if you have an intimate wedding venue, make sure you include an ad group with the keywords, ads and have a budget allocated specifically to target the potential customers that are looking for an ‘intimate’ wedding.


3. Get your landing page right

Even the best PPC ads aren’t enough to get you customers if the landing page doesn’t meet basic requirements. This is your chance to reel in those customers who have been caught in your PPC net and give them a nudge in the right direction to convert them to an enquiry. Make sure your landing page has an easy-to-find gallery with high quality images, but don’t let that slow down your page speed. Think about how easy it is to use your contact forms and if you’re very active on social media, don’t miss the opportunity to lead your potential customers to your other channels!

 Not sure if your landing page is good enough? Claim your free landing page audit from one of Ryan Scollon & Co's experienced PPC consultants by clicking this link.

4. Pull the plug on low-performing keywords

Don’t let underperforming or irrelevant keywords drag you down and waste those pennies. Save your budget for the keywords that generate clicks and conversions. If you don’t have an unlimited budget, negative keywords (such as a location or feature that your venue does not have - ‘coastal’, ‘country house’ or ‘Spain’) are essential to optimise your account. 

5. Take up as much space as possible

Making full use of the ad extensions is a no brainer when it comes to making your ads stand out. Give people even more reasons to choose your venue and watch the percentage of clicks shoot up. 

Image extensions are an excellent example of an ad extension that works well for wedding venues. This way, the potential customer has a visual insight into your venue before clicking the ad. From experience, image extensions are achieving a Click Through Rate (CTR) of approximately 30% (the average campaign has a CTR of around 3%). 

Another great extension for wedding venues has been the Structured Snippet extension. Structured snippets allow you to highlight different services that you offer (such as on-site accommodation, in-house caterers and private use of the venue). All of this useful information helps persuade users to click your ad and potentially enquire. 

6. Remarketing

It can take weeks, sometimes months, for a couple to decide on a wedding venue. In that time, they could have looked at 30+ different venues, most of which they will forget. Remarketing works by showing image ads around the web to users who have previously visited your website. So while users are browsing news websites, blog posts etc, your ads can be displayed next to the article, acting as a reminder. Capture those potential customers who weren’t ready to pull the trigger the first time they visited your site. Give them something to remember you by.

To sum it all up…

PPC ticks all the right boxes for the wedding industry and from our experience, it’s achieved unbelievable results for companies. Ryan Scollon & Co have seen a 137% increase in enquiries while achieving a 49% drop in cost per enquiry. Whether you’re new to the PPC world or you’ve been around the block a few times, it’s always good to focus on the strategies that will optimise your campaigns, boost your conversions and drive your enquiries. Implement the tips above and create stronger campaigns or check out this PPC audit service.

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About the author

Georgie Hall (Guest)

Georgie works as part of the team at Ryan Scollon & Co to oversee many of the small budget accounts, making sure every penny of ad spend is driving the right results.

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