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For Wedding Venues in England: CMA latest and Tiers MP Template

For Wedding Venues in England: CMA latest and Tiers MP Template

Alison Hargreaves
Alison Hargreaves Updated:
4th of July 2022

The following has come from the WVSG and they would like to reach as many venues as possible who may not be members of the Wedding Venue Support Group. (If you would like to join, the link to WVSG is here).

Have you received a CMA letter?

Last week the CMA published an updated statement that once again showed a total lack of understanding of the sector and seemed to introduce a whole new wave of concepts and views that appear erroneous.

WVSG are reviewing their response to this and discussing it with Michelmores and potentially Counsel. Together with this a number of venues have received a letter from the CMA further to complaints and requesting a template be completed. If you have received this letter could you let WVSG know so they can look at how they coordinate a response and understand the scale of it.

Very urgent reach out to MPs

Next week sees a key debate on the Tiering system and we want to maximise any opportunities that come out of the pressure the Tory MPs are putting on the guidelines given the once again they have not given the wedding sector parity.

Could we ask that you use the template below, together with the briefing note attached to reach out to your MP. With the debate on Tuesday, we ideally need it in as many MPs' consciousness by Monday lunchtime when those with questions are formulating them - so please use whatever route you have to reach out to them. We know the briefing note last time got real traction.

Many thanks

WVSG Directors


Dear [MP]

I am writing to you in advance of the debate on Tuesday 1st December on the Tiering system and asking for your support as we enter a critical period for the wedding sector now facing a deepening existential crisis.

Please could I ask you to take a few minutes of your time to read the attached briefing note that has been developed by the key associations in the sector and is fully supported by the weddings taskforce. 

[ADD: Background to your business or your communications to date through lockdown as felt appropriate]

We as a sector are simply seeking parity for weddings. We have been forgotten and excluded from support whilst the remainder of the hospitality sector receives ongoing focus. The new Tier guidelines released counter the words of both the Prime Minister and Chancellor over the past month. They also ignored all the representations made from across all parties at the debate on wedding capacities on the 9th November. Even in Tier 1 the wedding sector remains effectively shut whilst all other equivalent environments can operate to much more viable guidelines that allows businesses to have a chance of survival.

Unless parity is given in these new tiers, there is no hope for couples still seeking to go ahead with their wedding through to the end of March. However that also means our peak quarter 2 business will be postponed and cancelled before we get there. Given the lack of sector specific support it is unlikely most of the businesses will get to see the resumption of weddings.

Please reach out to your colleagues across the House to ensure that weddings are given appropriate focus in the coming days and this £10 billion pound sector employing 400,000 people is supported in some way.

Kind regards

[your name and postcode]

*Please download and attach the briefing notes below to send to your MP.*

Briefing Note re Weddings and New Tiers

Alison Hargreaves

About the author

Alison Hargreaves

Alison founded Guides for Brides in 1995 and has been advising brides and businesses ever since. She has an unrivalled knowledge of the wedding industry and is part of an international network of wedding professionals and entrepreneurs. Alison frequently appears on podcasts and expert panels as well as judging various wedding awards.

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