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How To Optimise Your Advert on Guides for Brides

Nikita Thorne
Nikita Thorne Updated:
31st of May 2023

It’s time to check your Guides for Brides listings are ready for search so that your business is found by the most relevant couples. Here are 5 steps to ensure your advert on Guides for Brides is set up for success…

Please note: Some of the features will be limited for those with a basic listing and will be identified in the copy. You can upgrade your basic advert online or by contacting our sales team.

Log in to your business hub and follow along with our step by step guide below.

Step One: The Basic Information

We know that your basic information can change from time to time. From your social media handles to your business’s features and even contact details. The first step to ensuring you’re giving couples the right information is to check that the basic details given about your business are correct.

We advise you do the following:

  • Check that your contact details are up to date. You’ll need to look at your email address, phone number, website and social media links are all working and accurate. Click on all the links in your listing to make sure they go to the right place. Send yourself a test enquiry to make sure you know what an enquiry notification looks like and can prioritise it when you receive one.
  • Ensure you are featured in the correct search filters. Using the filters tab on the left hand menu of the business hub, select filters that apply to your business. Please do not select filters that do not apply to your business, this can result in irrelevant enquiries wasting your time and the couples.
  • Update your strapline. You’ll want to ensure that this gives couples a snapshot of what you offer, where you are based and (if relevant) the areas you cover. For example: “Exclusive use hotel wedding venue in Cornwall” or “Documentary style wedding photography covering North Wales and Cheshire”.
  • Check that your pricing is correct for the upcoming years and ensure you are ticked in the two most relevant price bracket filters.
  • Add or update your features and services. Make sure you put at least 6 key features and services onto your listing. We recommend that you use this to showcase your unique selling points and key strengths.
  • Look at your FAQs - You’ll want to help couples know you are right for them by answering around 5 or more FAQs on your listing. There are set questions in place for your category, or you can add your own. Only answered questions will appear on your listing.

These are the most basic details that need to be filled out on your listing depending on your category. Venues will have a few more details required, such as identifying whether they have guest accommodation and what their capacity is. Other suppliers may not need to provide further information.

Step 2: Optimise your advert copy for search engines

SEO stands for search engine optimisation. When you optimise your advert copy to be found on Google and other search engines, it is important to use relevant keywords in your copy.

Search engine optimised copy:

  • Features unique text. Please DO NOT copy and paste content from other wedding platforms or your own website as this can be detrimental to your ability to be found in searches across the board.
  • Includes your key search terms and selling points such as “exclusive use” or “sustainable”.
  • Includes information about you location. Make sure you identify where you are based and/or where you cover. If you are a venue or have a physical shop front, we also recommend using some direction based phrases like, “Easily accessible from Manchester and Liverpool via the M62”.

Top tip: Tell the customer what they will get, not what you have. Couples generally react better to advert copy that speaks to them and solves their problems or fits their needs. So, instead of saying “Our Orangery seats 90 guests for a wedding ceremony” try “You and your partner can say “I do” in the Orangery surrounded by up to 90 of your closest friends and family”.

You can change your copy at any time in the edit advert section of your business hub. It goes without saying, but always ensure you proofread the copy for any typos.

Google homepage on computer screen

Step 3: Eye-catching imagery and videos

This generation of wedding couples are used to scrolling through social media and only reading copy when their attention has been captured. So, your listing needs to include imagery that is high-quality and attractive to encourage the couples to look further into what you offer.

The inclusion of imagery and video on your Guides for Brides listing is exclusive to enhanced listings.

Top tip: Prior to uploading images, check the file names are search engine optimised by renaming them something relevant. An image named "John_and_Jane_Wedding" is not going to help you get found on Google image search.

However, something like “business_name_wedding_florist_bromsgrove_worcestershire” will. You’ll want each image to be named something unique, but at a minimum, place these details in and add numbers or additional descriptions at the end.

Our system will help you to crop images for desktop, tablet and mobile as you upload. Please ensure you credit photographers as necessary.

Image content needed for your listing:

  • A captivating profile picture. This image is what couples will see on the search results pages. Most of our couples use our website on mobile, so this is a portrait image. We recommend choosing an image that gives a clear indication of what your business is. So, make sure you showcase your venue, product or service in its best light here.
  • A high-quality cover image. This is the first thing couples see as they enter your listing so it needs to give a good impression.
  • Image Gallery. Upload an image gallery showing a mixture of real weddings (where you can) and styled, elevated depictions of your work or offering. This may mean including some styled shoots. Couples want to see a mixture of what can be achieved and images of real weddings to be able to picture what their own day might look like.
  • Include videos if possible. You can upload multiple videos to your listing in the Video and 3D tour section of the left hand menu. 3D tours are most relevant for venues and suppliers that want to showcase a tour of premises, but an additional video can be placed here instead if needed.

Step 4 - Build trust with reviews

We’ve all read reviews on a product before we buy, because we want to know we are making a safe investment or purchase. The same goes for wedding couples. Help future couples to see how pleased your past couples are with your work by encouraging them to add reviews.

Not only will this help you to build trust, but it will also help you to be eligible for entry into our Customer Service Awards which take place from January to March each year.

Winners and Finalists of Guides for Brides Customer Service Awards 2023 pose for photo on stage during awards ceremony at Oxford Town Hall

Step 5 - Make the most of all the features available to you

You can ensure that you are featured in multiple search avenues on our site and receive more enquiries by using as many of the tools available to you as possible.

All additional features are exclusive to enhanced listings.

  • Calendar for availability search - For on the day suppliers or venues, activate and update your calendar to feature in couples searches by date or month. You’ll need to keep you calendar up to date every 1-2 months for this to remain active. Don’t worry, your full calendar cannot be viewed, but if a couple searches for a specific date that you have available, you’ll appear as an option.
  • Recommended suppliers - feature your recommended suppliers on your listing and you’ll also be featured on theirs, providing an easy way to be found by relevant couples who may have booked a venue or supplier that you work with regularly.
  • Brochure button - Activate a brochure button on your listing by uploading a PDF of your wedding brochure, portfolio or price list in the contact details section of your business hub. Couples will provide you with an email address and receive an instant download of your brochure. You’ll then have a nice warm lead to follow up on. This function is available for all paid listings no matter the category. We recommend updating this every 6 - 12 months.
  • WhatsApp button - If you would like couples to be able to contact you on WhatsApp, then add your number to your listing. Simply add the WhatsApp number in your the advert contact details section of your business hub and the button will appear.
  • Special offers - Be found in searches for wedding deals by adding special offers to your listing. These can be discounted dates, additional gifts on booking or seasonal packages.

You’ll be able to see how complete your advert is within your Business Hub dashboard. You’ll also be given specific tips based on what has and has not been completed in your advert hub for how to improve your listing.

Recent Listing Updates and Additions

Here you can find a list of our recently added and changed features on your Guides for Brides listing and what they should be used for.

  • Sustainability - Tell couples about your efforts to be a more eco-friendly wedding business and your sustainability goals.
  • Personal Message - Add a personal message or message from your team to the listing. This is to introduce couples to the person they'll likely be speaking to (i.e. your wedding coordinator) at the business.
  • Pricing Update - Your price range now shows on the search results page. Please ensure you add your prices for these to appear.
  • Offers Update - We have now added offer types to help couples identify key deals.

The Guides for Brides team are here to help

Now you know how to set yourself up for success, it’s important you do a check on all of this information every 1-2 months to ensure you make the most of your advert on Guides for Brides. Remember, if you ever need help optimising your advert, we are only an email or phone call away on 01235 770078 or

Nikita Thorne

About the author

Nikita Thorne

With a first-class degree under her belt and a thirst for knowledge, Nikita is a passionate writer and marketer. As the Head of Strategy at Guides for Brides, Nikita leads our specialist team of marketers and actively connects wedding industry suppliers with prospective couples through effective marketing and advertising campaigns. She is also in charge of forming meaningful partnerships with brands that can support both our couples and businesses.

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